CTF-00005 - Leaving players don't show up on the scoreboard

  • Posts: 48
  • Thank you received: 7
Type: Bug
Impacted version: 3.6
Impact: 3.Medium
Priority: 3.Medium
Environment: Live
Mods: Vanilla
Detailed description: When a players leaves a game before the podium is displayed his stats are not displayed on the scoreboard.
Steps to Reproduce: Leave the server before podium are displayed (Top 3 players)
Related Report: #133-16122020

Fix Version/s: 3.6.1
RLN Description: When a players leaves a game before the podium is displayed his stats are not displayed on the scoreboard.
RLN Fix Description: Scoreboard data is calculated when the "Game Over" is triggered to capture leaving players.
RLN Impact: Game results, Scoreboard.
Last edit: 17 Feb 2021 18:39 by Flash-Ranger.
16 Dec 2020 23:16 #136
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  • Posts: 48
  • Thank you received: 7
In fn_Outro.sqf, the collection of scores was moved to the beginning of the script and the way it collects the data was altered :

private _scores = [];
// ----- Blufor side score line -----
private _name = toUpper "Team Blue";
private _totalKillsBLUE = 0;
private _totalKDRatioBLUE = 0;
private _totalFCBLUE = 0;
private _totalFSBLUE = 0;
private _totalDeathBLUE = 0;
// ----- Opfor side score line -----
private _name = toUpper "Team Red";
private _totalKillsRED = 0;
private _totalKDRatioRED = 0;
private _totalFCRED = 0;
private _totalFSRED = 0;
private _totalDeathRED = 0;

    if !(side _x isEqualTo sideLogic) then
        _scores append [[getPlayerScores _x, name _x, getPlayerUID _x, side _x]];
} forEach (allPlayers);
_scores sort false;

    if (side _x isEqualTo west) then
        private _scores = getPlayerScores _x;
        _scores params [["_killsInfantry",0], ["_killsVehicle",0], ["_killsTank",0], ["_killsAircraft",0], ["_deaths",0], ["_killsTotal",0]];
        _totalKillsBLUE = _totalKillsBLUE + _killsInfantry;
        private _ESM_FC = "ESM_" + (getPlayerUID _x);
        _totalFCBLUE = _totalFCBLUE + (missionNamespace getVariable [_ESM_FC, 0]);
        private _ESM_FS = "ESM_SCORE_" + (getPlayerUID _x);
        _totalFSBLUE = _totalFSBLUE + (missionNamespace getVariable [_ESM_FS, 0]);
        _totalDeathBLUE = _totalDeathBLUE + _deaths;
} forEach allPlayers;

    if (side _x isEqualTo east) then
        private _scores = getPlayerScores _x;
        _scores params [["_killsInfantry",0], ["_killsVehicle",0], ["_killsTank",0], ["_killsAircraft",0], ["_deaths",0], ["_killsTotal",0]];
        _totalKillsRED = _totalKillsRED + _killsInfantry;
        private _ESM_FC = "ESM_" + (getPlayerUID _x);
        _totalFCRED = _totalFCRED + (missionNamespace getVariable [_ESM_FC, 0]);
        private _ESM_FS = "ESM_SCORE_" + (getPlayerUID _x);
        _totalFSRED = _totalFSRED + (missionNamespace getVariable [_ESM_FS, 0]);
        _totalDeathRED = _totalDeathRED + _deaths;
} forEach allPlayers;
Last edit: 12 Jan 2021 12:11 by Flash-Ranger.
12 Jan 2021 12:10 #160
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  • Posts: 48
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17 Feb 2021 18:39 #165
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